Reflektif 5. Sayı Lansman Paneli
Reflektif 5. Sayı Lansman Paneli yayında...
Konu: Gündelik Hayatta Etik ve Ahlak
Reflektif 5. Sayı Lansman Paneli yayında...
Konu: Gündelik Hayatta Etik ve Ahlak
One of the principal topics of debate in this era of poly-crises, which will undoubtedly inform numerous social science studies for years to come, is the concept of resilience. This term is sometimes also referred to as resilience. Resilience is classified, discussed and analyzed in terms of physical, economic, financial, sectoral, institutional, psychological, social, urban, regional and ecological aspects through multidisciplinary and multidimensional approaches.
The Special Issue on Resilience in the Age of Poly-Crises is dedicated to the examination of resilience policies and measures that can be employed to address economic, political, ecological and social vulnerabilities at local, regional, national and global levels.
Reflektif Journal of Social Sciences awaits your visual works on the themes of special issues in a proportional picture format with vertical 19x24 cm dimensions, with at least 300 DPI. You can also send your short manifestos of not more than 300 words about this visual work. The Visual and the brief text-Manifest will be published on the website and the back cover of the printed journal.
Applications for the October 2024 issue with the theme of How are we Doing on Campus? Multilayered Perspectives on Today's Universities should be sent to the e-mail address by September 15, 2024.