
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Originality Standards: This article has not been published elsewhere, nor has it been sent to a publisher for publication.
  • Language: Manuscript is prepared in Turkish or English language.
  • File Format: The manuscript has been written in Microsoft Word format and does not exceed 3 MB size.
  • Article Length: Article length is between 3.000 (min) and 7.500 (max) words including references, tables and appendices. Number of pages in the article is not more than 20.
  • Article Title: The length of the Article Title is not more than 10 words.
  • Abstract: The length of the abstract is not more than 150 words.
  • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords have been identified.
  • Font Type, Size and Spacing: Lucida Sans Unicode font with the size of 10 and single line spacing.
  • Page Margins: Margin standards are applied as 5 cm on the top, 4 cm at the bottom, 3 cm from the right and left.
  • Headings: First level headings are bold and the lower rank headings are italics. The sizes for first level headings and lower rank headings are 16 and 12, respectively.
  • Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures contain Titles and Numbers. Figures are in tif, .jpeg, or .bmp formats with at least 300dpi resolution and minimum 10cm wide.
  • References: References are prepared in APA style.

Author Guidelines

Warning: ORCID is necessary for the authors of a manuscript. REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences will publish no article with missing ORCID(s). If you don't have an ORCID yet please follow this link to get your ORCID instantly.

A) Article Writing Codes
The articles that are sent to be evaluated for publication in REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences are designed according to the rules stated below:

  1. Articles sent to REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences can either be in Turkish or English. The length of the article should not exceed 15 pages. The softcopy of the article is to be typed in Lucida Sans Unicode font (10 punto) as a Microsoft Word document.
  2. The title of the article is to be written first in the original language of the article aligned in the centre in bold with font-size 16. The correlation of the article in the other language is to be stated after single space in font-size 14, in the centre, in bold and italic.
  3. Initially, there has to be a ‘summary’ of the article in at most 100 words in italics in the original language of the text followed by another one in the other language. Below the summaries, key words (at most 5 words) are to be written.
  4. Titles in the text are to be numerated with Arabic figures (e.g. 1., 1.1,1.1.2...etc.) with depth not more than 3. The main titles are to be in font-size 12 in bold, the subtitles and the followings are to be in font size 10, in bold.
  5. The text must be written in single-spaced 10 point-size. After each paragraph there must be a single space and the paragraphs are to be started aligned to the left. If the references from other sources are not more than 3 lines they are written in italics in quotation marks. If the reference is more than 3 lines, the paragraph is to be written 3 inches indented from right and left in italics in font-size 9.
  6. Tables and diagrams are to be titled and numerated. Titles must be positioned above the tables (e.g. Table 1. Name of the table), and under the diagrams (e.g. Diagram 1 Name of the diagram). Tables and diagrams must be placed vertically (if the tables and diagrams are full-page size they can be placed horizontally). Equations must be aligned in the middle of the page and the numbers of the equations must be aligned to the right hand side of the page in parenthesis.
  7. References to the sources must be given in parenthesis in the text. The order in the parenthesis is as follows: Author(s) surname(s), (for the sources without author’s name the first three words of the name of the book, then insert triple dot), year of the source, page number(s) (e.g. Surname, date: page number).
  8. All the sources referred in the text following the rules stated above must be acknowledged in the bibliography, and sources that are not cited in the text should not be on this list. Sources must be put in alphabetical order and must be regulated according to the examples (APA Style) shown in ‘bibliography writing’ part. Except for the proper names, the names of the articles and books are to be written in lower-case letters. The initial letters of the names of the journals are to be upper-case letters. For the ‘bibliography’ format, ‘bibliography writing samples’ part must be checked. In case of any indecision, published articles in the journal must be checked.
  9. To present the last form of the article organized according to the publication rules before the publication process is in the author’s charge; the articles are not published unless they are presented in the appropriate text format.
  10. Manuscript writing templates: Turkish Manuscript Template | English Manuscript Template.


B) Reference Examples (For English Language Articles)

Click for APA reference examples ...

C) Rules to be Followed by the Authors

  1. The author(s) can follow the articles accepted for evaluation and the related process via the Journal Internet page by using their user names and passwords sent to them.
  2. The author(s) who have been asked for corrections after referee’s evaluation must send back their writing in four months time. If the author(s) do not reply in the time given, their articles are not be evaluated.
  3. The author(s) must update their articles in accordance with the referees’ suggestions. If they do not think a revision or addition offered by the referee is appropriate, they must inform the editorial board about this by specifying their reasons. The referee would be informed as well.
  4. The author(s) can demand to withdraw their articles during the process of evaluation by e-mail, letter or fax. The acceptance for withdrawal depends on the verdict of the Editorial Board. The author(s) cannot send or publish the articles which have not been accepted for the withdrawal by the Editorial Board. The institutions which the author is working with and the related publisher would be informed about the issue.
  5. During the make-up process, the author(s) must reply the prompts for check up and corrections in the time given. If the author(s)do not reply back in the time given, their articles will be postponed in order to be evaluated for the following copy.
  6. Under no condition will the back dating demands be accepted.
  7. Articles are not accepted for a specific copy in REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences. Authors are free to send their articles in any time. The articles, evaluation processes of which are over, are published in accordance with their arrival date.
  8. Once the articles sent in accordance with publishing codes arrive at the Editorial Office, they are put into process after the necessary examination. The applications not meeting the codes are not put in process.
  9. The articles which are sent to the author(s) for correction can be sent through electronic environment.
  10. Once the make-up process of the articles which the Editorial Board decided to publish is over, the article is sent to the author(s) for the last check as there might be mistakes. The authors are to check the article in the time given. If the last check is not completed in the time given, the article is postponed for the following journal.
  11. Two articles of the same author(s) can not be published in the same copy. The second article of the same author can be published only after another copy of the journal is published. This process is taken into account for the first author if the number of the co-authors of the article increases.

D) Submission Process
Articles can be submitted to the REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences via the Submission Platform in the Journal Web Site. Submission Process is composed of two stages:

a) Registration to Journal:

In order to complete your registration to the REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences successfully, please take the following steps.

  • Open registration form by clicking on the REGISTER section in the menu.
  • Carefully fill in the Registration form (with co-authored articles, only the lead writer should register here as other writers will be registered in the mailing phase).
  • When you receive confirmation e-mail including your username and password, follow the instructions in the message.
  • Access the system with your username and password in order to submit your article.
  • Click the link under Start a New Submission on Active Submissions page.

b) Submission Transaction:

In order to submit your manuscript to the REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences successfully, please complete take following five steps.

Step 1 - Start

  • In this stage, Application Check List and Copyright Notice are checked.
  • Please click the button “Save and Continue” to proceed to the next section.

Step 2 - Uploading Submission

  • In this stage the article is uploaded to the system by following the instructions on the page. The article format should be Microsoft Word and should not be larger than 3 MB.
  • Once the submission is uploaded, “Save and Continue” to proceed to the next section.

Step 3 - Entering the Submission's Metadata

In this stage the information related to the submission is entered into the system. There are some important points to be taken into consideration when providing the submission information. These points are the following:

  • If it is a co-authored article, click Add Author button for each author and fill in the required fields.
  • Enter Title and Abstract of Article.
  • Fill in the Indexing Information.

Please note that all information provided should be in compliance with the Manuscript Standards of the REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences.

Please click the button “Save and Continue” to proceed to the next section.

Step 4 - Uploading Supplementary Files

  • In this stage additional documents are uploaded to the system.
  • After completing the inputting of “Supplementary File Metadata”, click “Save and Continue” to return to the main screen of Step 4.
  • If there are additional documents to be submitted at this stage, the same above mentioned procedure should be applied for each supplementary document.

Step 5 - Confirming the Submission

  • In this stage you can see the list of files submitted to the Journal.
  • You can click “Finish Submission” to complete you submission transaction.


This section of the journal includes articles from at least two referees.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.